

Excellent flexibility Aliphatic urethane Acrylate UV Resin for Adhesives and Nail Gels: A2265

short description:

A2265 is a 2-functional  advanced  aliphatic urethane acrylate UV resin designed for high-performance applications in adhesives and nail gels. This product is known for its rapid curing speed, excellent flexibility, and low exothermicity, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications.

Product Detail

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Product Detail

Product code  A2265
Appearance Water white or Slightly
yellow viscous transparent liquid
Viscosity  (mPa.s/60℃)
Functionality (theoretical) 2
Product features • Non-Tacky at Room Temperature

•Fast Curing Speed

• Excellent Flexibility

• Low Exothermicity

Application    • Adhesives

• Nail Gels

Specification 20KG 200KG
NCO% ≤0.1
Transport Package Barrel

Product Description

Non-Tacky at Room Temperature: Maintains a non-tacky surface at room temperature, enhancing ease of handling and application.

Fast Curing Speed: Provides rapid curing, improving production efficiency and reducing overall processing time.

Excellent Flexibility: Offers superior flexibility, making it suitable for applications that require a high degree of pliability.

Low Exothermicity: Generates minimal heat during curing, ensuring safer and more controlled processing.


Extender Gels: ZCA212-100’s balanced properties make it an excellent choice for creating extender gels that require both durability and flexibility, along with a high-gloss finish.

Adhesives: Ideal for various adhesive applications due to its excellent performance characteristics.

Nail Gels: Perfect for nail gel formulations, providing strong adhesion and flexibility.

Safety Information

Storage Conditions

It should be stored in a cool, ventilated place, away from alkaline substances and reducing agents. The product has a shelf life of 6 months under optimal storage conditions.

smooth glossy finish
durable coatings

Safety Information

• Skin and Eye Irritation: This product may cause irritation. In case of contact, rinse immediately with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical attention if severe.

• Fire Extinguishing Agents: Water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide.

• Environmental Precautions: Do not discharge into drains.


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